Monday, March 25, 2013

Making Money on the Move

T-Minus 44 days (more or less)

Resumes Sent: 3

Pounds lost: 0

House Cleaned: Yes (yay!)

 One of the hardest things to wrap my head  around about the upcoming move is the fact that I have to quit my job. I have a great job that I love. It is challenging, educational, inspiring and even a little big glamorous- but I can't take it with me when we leave.

My husband was enlisted for more than ten years before we met (his five deployments were on his ex-wife's watch (and NO, I did not even know him before he got divorced - don't look at me like that!) which is another reason that I sometimes feel like an Army Wife faker when people ask how long my husband has been in...but I digress.). He is coming up on thirteen years in. Since we expect to be at our new post for three years (and, honestly, may try to extend), we have started thinking about where we want the "last assignment" before he makes his 20 to be.

My dream (a dream that is, no doubt, shared by many military wives) is for Hawaii. That is actually semi-realistic based on his current career track, but if we go there, I will once again face the problem of finding work.

Our upcoming PCS is to Kentucky. That is the state that I am from, the state where I went to law school, and the state where I am barred. Apart from the crappy job market for lawyers, it is actually the best-case scenario for me to find a new job. The same is NOT the case for Hawaii. They don't allow people to transfer their license without re-taking the bar exam. Unless Congress gets its act together and lifts the Federal hiring freeze (SURELY they will in the next four years, but you never know), my chances of a lawyer job are slim. That is one reason that I am trying to develop a "portable" income.

What is a "portable" income? One that you can earn just as easily at Fort Bliss, Fort Wainwright, Fort Shafter or Paris, France. I already have ONE online revenue stream (which I will discuss in a later post), but I am attempting to develop new ones (hence the ads on this blog...could you please click one for a good cause? ;)). As a recurring feature on this blog, I will test-drive some money making ideas to determine whether or not I can recommend them for fellow military wives.

My first experiment will be with online survey-taking. Am I going to get rich doing it? Absolutely not - but it might be enough money to make enough money to contribute a dinner out, a movie or a tank of gas to the family finances.

Based on recommendations from around the web, I'm going to sign up for the following survey companies:

I Say

I'll try to take as many surveys as I am eligible for and report back this time next month.

1 comment:

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